These pictures are from the observation point/picnic area on base as an afternoon storm was rolling in. Is it what you pictured Arizona to look like? Not me.
This is the housing on Fort Huachuca. Amazing surroundings. Although they do have quite a problem with rattlesnakes and scorpions. (We are not living on base.)
Fort Huachuca is bordered on one side by mountains (what they call mountains, but Utahans know better). We were told it was quite pretty and temperate compared with the rest of Arizona, but we were blown away with how lovely the area really is. Sierra Vista, Tombstone, Bisbee and Fort Huachuca are much greener than expected. There are rolling hills everywhere. This time of year is the rainy season and every night we get spectacular thunderstorms. It is often cloudy and when the clouds cover the sun, the weather is just perfect. We stay out in the parks every morning and evening. Although the bugs are a different story. Reagan has already been attacked by large red ants that have bit her feet and little legs. (She was beside herself for several hours.) You can't seem to avoid all the ants... they are LITERALLY EVERYWHERE! The playgrounds are infested with them.
Valentine’s Day Kiss Kit
3 days ago
Botill Family,
We are learning that we may be headed to Huachuca soon ourselves and I found you by googling "Huachuca housing" of all things. I am wondering if you would be willing to email with me about the area and your personal opinions about living on post via living off post. My husband is a Field Grade Officer so if you have any insight to their housing on post I would greatly appreciate it. We are at Fort Hood right now, I have two under two, and you can check out my boys and my profile at I have a blogger account too. Sure looks like you are having lots of fun in AZ! Encouraging!
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